2024 Mountain Valley Senior Golf League

2024 Pete Acquarola Senior Golf League at Mountain Valley

Mountain Valley’s Pete Acquarola Senior golf league begins on Tuesday April 9th, 2024 at 9:00 AM at Mountain Valley golf course with our Annual Kick-off Breakfast, free to all members. New and existing members are welcome. Players must be 55, or turn 55 this year. The 18 hole, 24 week League starts on April 16th and continues every Tuesday until Sept. 24th, 2024. Tee times off holes 1 and 10 start at 7:00 AM and end around 8:30. 

There are a few tee times set up for April 9th after breakfast should you like to play previous to League startup. Contact the pro shop to hold one of these times. League is handicapped and depending on turnout there are five (5) flights and over 30 weekly prizes. Contact Bill Kaczmarczyk at 570-778-6206, or John Bashago at 570-233-1713, or call the Pro Shop at 570-467-2242, Extension 1.